Laws For Paws Vietnam

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Vietnam Dog Lovers Community Come Together to Enact Change.

The dog lovers community was left shaken after a series of tragic poisonings that took the lives of four dogs and one cat between June 13 to 14. All of these beloved pets showed similar symptoms of convulsions, seizures, and sudden death. The poisoning of one of the dogs, sweet Peanut, was confirmed by Dr Nguyen Van Nghia from Sai Gon Vet Clinic as being the cause of Peanut’s sudden death. It was further confirmed that this was not the result of rat poison but rather a poison specifically targeted to dogs and cats that were left on the street. This brings about significant concerns for not only the pet-owner community but also the broader community as this poses a significant risk to children and adults if this poison is ingested.

Out of the tragic loss of their beloved pet Peanut, Olivier Tognetti and his wife Nguyen Hoang Thanh Cao made the difficult decision to make a significant change from such heartbreaking loss. In collaboration with Laws for Paws, they started a petition urging authorities to get involved in investigating and bringing back safety and peace to communities. This important petition has reached many within Vietnam, both Vietnamese and Foreigners alike, with currently 2 777 signatures (as of 26 July 2021). The petition also reached local media outlets who have also reported on these tragic losses. This is not only a danger to pets and pet owners, but the broader community too. The poison being used in many of these cases has been tested by medical professionals who have reported that these poisons attack the body quickly and with a high mortality as they attack the neurological system. These poisons pose a danger to children, pets, and other wildlife in our communities.

Let’s continue to spread awareness of the dangers of this poisoning within our communities to enact change. Please sign the petition here and let your voice be heard.

To read more about this being reported in local media click the link here.