Laws For Paws Vietnam

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Casey’s story began in an unfortunate situation. After the owners of a business left to return to their hometown, they abandoned two adult dogs – a male and a female. Tragically, by the time help arrived, the female dog had not only given birth to a litter of puppies but was also suffering from parvovirus. Despite receiving care, she sadly passed away, leaving her newborn puppies behind.

Luckily, Mr. Thao, a kind-hearted man who was looking after an abandoned school across the street, stepped in to care for the puppies. With the support of Rikke, Anh Pham, and Francesca, Mr. Thao made sure all the puppies were vaccinated and sterilized. He did everything he could to keep them safe and healthy. Though he would have happily kept them at the school, he was informed that the school would soon be demolished to make way for residential towers. Faced with a new location that didn’t allow him to care for more than two dogs, we knew that Mr. Thao would need help.

That’s when Laws For Paws Vietnam stepped in to take over the care of Casey and his sisters, Bonnie and Betty. Despite everything Casey had been through, his sweet nature shone through, and he quickly caught the eyes and hearts of a couple who were volunteering at the shelter. With a history of always having dogs in their lives, they were eager to add a new furry friend to their home. It was love at first sight! Now named Canelo, he enjoys his days playing in the park and snuggling with his new family, receiving all the love a dog could ever wish for.

A special thank you to everyone involved in the rescue and care of Casey and his sisters, especially Mr. Thao for his kindness and love of animals. Canelo’s story is a reminder of the power of compassion and dedication.

If you’re inspired by Casey’s journey and want to support us in helping more dogs like him, consider adopting, sharing this story, or donating to Laws For Paws Vietnam to help us continue our rescue efforts. Together, we can make a difference!