Pets are our family

Vietcetera have written an amazing article about an increasingly prevalent and important issue of pets being abandoned by their owners who are leaving Vietnam. Please check out the link to the article below.

With the increasing difficulties caused by the visa regulations changing and the lockdown, Laws For Paws Vietnam has seen an increasing amount of cases of pet abandonment. During the lockdown it has been virtually impossible for Laws For Paws Vietnam to have dogs adopted and this has resulted in capacity being reached quicker than we hoped. Despite all of these challenges Laws For Paws Vietnam is dedicated to helping dogs who have been abused, abandoned and/or injured. We are also here to offer support and guidance (advice) to pet owners. We plead with pet owners to please remember that your pets are part of your family and to do all that you can to not leave a family member behind.

If you would like to donate to Laws For Paws Vietnam please contact us for information on how you can help. Every bit goes a long way in helping the dogs in our care and the ones to come in the future.



