
Amidst the challenges of Vietnam's prolonged lockdown, a poignant story of resilience and compassion unfolded. Luna, a spirited pup, embarked on a transformative journey from the uncertainty of the streets to the embrace of a loving home. 

In the persistent shadows of lockdown, where the need for help echoed louder than ever, Luna and her five siblings found refuge in the arms of the dog lover community. Their story began when their pregnant mother was abandoned, leaving the community to provide care and shelter at a boarding facility. The prolonged lockdown brought with it a set of challenges, especially in the realm of socialization. Luna and her fellow pups missed out on crucial interactions with humans and dogs, leading to the emergence of a few shy souls who craved time to trust.

Luna, a member of the resilient litter, initially displayed signs of shyness, a natural response to limited social exposure. Recognizing the potential for growth and transformation, the community, along with Laws For Paws Vietnam, embarked on a mission of patience and care. Enter our dedicated volunteers, armed with unwavering patience and a commitment to Luna's development. Through patient training and socialization efforts, Luna blossomed.

The pinnacle of Luna's journey unfolded when Chi and Kevin, two of our devoted volunteers, decided to open their hearts and home to Luna. Months of fostering a connection and falling in love with Luna's gentle nature culminated in a forever home for the deserving pup. A special thank you to Mark from Dog Walkers in Thao Dien, whose expertise and generosity enriched Luna's adoption journey. One free training session accompanied each adoption, ensuring Luna's seamless integration into her new home and confident exploration of her neighborhood.


Mia & Sugar

