
When Cookie became ill after giving birth to a litter of puppies, her former owner didn’t provide her with the necessary medical treatment due to financial concerns. Rather than seeking proper veterinary care, the owner arranged for people to come and weigh Cookie, planning to sell her to the dog meat trade. Thankfully, someone intervened and rescued Cookie from this unfortunate situation.

Another rescue organization stepped in to help Cookie, providing her with the care and attention she desperately needed. However, due to her size, finding a forever family for Cookie proved to be a challenge. That’s when Laws For Paws Vietnam stepped in to assist.

Once at our shelter, Cookie quickly became a fan favorite with our volunteers, adults and kids alike. Each weekend, students eagerly walked Cookie and showered her with love. Her gentle nature and affectionate personality endeared her to everyone who met her.

It didn't take long for a wonderful family to come along and fall in love with this amazing girl. They came to the shelter each weekend for several weeks to build their bond with Cookie. Their dedication and love paid off, and Cookie now lives happily with them as an important part of their family. We couldn't have hoped for a better outcome for Cookie, who is truly an amazing dog.

Stories like Cookie's are made possible through the support of our community. By adopting, sharing our work, or donating, you help us rescue more dogs and find them loving homes. Your support is vital to our mission.



